Bengkel Intensif Penulisan Skrip TV Yang Boleh Dijual

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Logline (Siri 1): Apa Itu Logline & Kenapa Perlu?

Salam sejahtera,
Berjumpa lagi, berkongsi lagi...

Ramai yang menulis skrip, tapi di hujung harinya mengeluh kecewa kerana gagal menyiapkan tugasan. Kenapa ya? Salah satu sebabnya kita gagal menulis adalah kerana kita tidak ada logline untuk skrip kita tu. Apa tu logline dan kenapa kena ada logline? Soalan yang bagus... di bawah ini saya turunkan artikel tentangnya. SIlalah fahami.

A logline is a one-sentence summary of your script. It's the short blurb in TV guides that tells you what a movie is about and helps you decide if you're interested in seeing it. It's the grabber that excites your interest.

Your logline answers the question: What is your story about? Your friends and others probably ask you this question when you tell them you're writing a screenplay or that you've already written one. You need to be able to state the main concept of your story in one concise sentence.

"But my story is complicated with many plot twists, and I couldn't possibly tell you what it's about in one sentence," you say.

You must learn to express the story concept in one powerful sentence if you want an agent or producer to read your screenplay.

For that reason, your logline is also step number one of planning your screenplay.
Before you even begin to write, you must write down this one key sentence—the logline. Keep it in front of you while you write your script. It will keep you focused on the story when you stray.

So, there are two main reasons why you need a logline:
1. A logline keeps you focused as you write.
2. You need a logline to sell your screenplay.

Okay, takat inilah dulu... Nanti sambung lagi untuk siri 2.

Waassalam... Adiossa!!

Jamil Mutalib


  1. paham paham lalat......, kalu ada contoh ayat power tu, lagi bagus....

    apa-apa pun tq JM kerana sudi share info.

  2. nanti saya cuba kongsi lagi tentang logline ni... terima kasih kembali

  3. bagus cekgu.... amat berguna buat penulis2 baru
