Bengkel Intensif Penulisan Skrip TV Yang Boleh Dijual

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Salam Sejahtera,
Jumpa lagi. Kali ini tak ada benda yang aku nak ceritakan. Jadi aku rasa ingin nak kongsi sesuatu yang telah menjadi inspirasi aku selama ini. Aku rasa ia bagus untuk dikongsi bersama-sama yang lain. Ia kisah yang menyayat hati.... ia kisah benar seorang penulis yang sebenar... Moga ia juga boleh menjadi sumber kekuatan kepada sesiapa saja Sang penulis

Stallone’s Amazing Rocky Balboa Success Story

stallone-rocky-balboaYou NEED to hear Stallone’s Rocky Balboa success story because it’s one of the most amazing and inspirational stories you will ever hear… and… if you use it as motivation for your own life, then you’ll accomplish much, MUCH more — I assure you!

I got the idea for reading this post because I saw Yavor, over at Relative Strength Advantage posting a video of Stallone training for his new movie “The Expendables” (which I’m super excited about!)

So what I’m going to do here is give you the story to listen to. It’s told by Tony Robbins. When Tony became friends with Sly, he went to his house one day and wanted to hear the “real” story of Sly’s life since he had heard a lot but didn’t know what was fact and what was fiction… here is what Tony was told by Sly.

Watch the video here:

Success notes for you to remember:

Know Your Purpose — Know Your Goal

  • Stallone’s whole life was about overcoming odds — doctors pulled him out in an emergency birth with a metal tool (that’s why his face is half paralized and he talks like he does) but he survived.
  • His goal in making movies was to inspire others to greatness. That is why he was so driven
  • He knew from the youngest age that he wanted to be a movie star, not T.V., movies (clarity of purpose)
  • He would never settle for anything else. So he moved to NYC and started applying for movies. Everyone told him he was stupid, talked dumb, looked “Dopey” and talked out the side of his mouth. He was too ugly that nobody would watch him…

Consistency of Action Towards Your Goal and Never Giving Up

  • He said he got thrown out of 1500 agents offices after applying. Tony Robbins told him there aren’t even 1,500 agents in the city — Stallone said “I know, because I visited each agent 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 times!”
  • One agent he visited he stayed overnight till the guy finally listened to him. Got his first movie part. Guy thought everyone would hate him on screen so his role was to play a dumb thug who got beat up.
  • Wasn’t getting anymore jobs (changed his approach. Tony Robbins’ advice is to “remain rigid with your goals but flexible in your approach” which means: always keep striving for what you want, but if something isn’t working (your approach) it’s ok to try different ways to get what you want).

Making Decisions Based On Knowing Your ULTIMATE Goal, Not On The Pain Of The Present Circumstances

  • He was starving, he was broke, and couldn’t even afford heat in his apartment. His wife was always screaming at him.
  • Wife screamed at him to get a job, but he refused to get a job because he knew he would get “comfortable” he wanted to stay hungry — Stallone felt his hunger was his ONLY advantage.
  • One day, to just stay warm, he went to the public library. Found Edgar Allen Poe book, read everything of his and about it. Poe got him out of himself, think about how to touch other people. Became a writer and started writing screen plays.
  • Still broke, sold a script for $100 which to Stallone was a TON of money. But it never amounted to anything. So broke he hauked his wife’s jewelry. This made his wife hate him even more.
  • He was so broke, to survive he had to sell his most loved possession. His dog. He got negotiated down to $25 by some guy at a liquor store. He cried on the way home cause he really loved his dog.

Get Inspired. Get it Done. Get it “Out There” and Start Trying To Make It Work.

  • Stallone was watching a boxing fight on T.V. — Ali V.S. Webinar — white guy who keeps coming even though he’s getting beat bad. That was his inspiration for Rocky. Right there, Stallone wrote the entire first Rocky movie in 20 hours straight. Sat down and banged it out. Was shaking because he knew this was good.
  • Went out trying to sell the script to agents. All turned him down. Said it was predictable, sappy, dumb, simple… (Stallone wrote down everything those people who turned him down said, and he read them the night they won the Oscars by the way)

Clarity of Purpose. Knowing What You Really Want And Ignoring Temporary Pleasure/Pain To Get It:

  • Kept trying to sell it, broke, starving. Finally meets guys who love script and offer him $125k for the script! He told them only one one condition “That I star in it”. They told him he was a writer not an actor. They argued with him, telling him they wanted a start. But Stallone knew that HE was Rocky and that HE was an actor, that this was HIS role. So Stallone turned down $125,000 when he was still broke as hell.
  • They called him a few weeks later and offered him $250,000 NOT to star in his own movie.
  • Last offer they gave him was $350,000 and he turned them down again. (Stallone was starving, freezing, couldn’t afford heat in his apartment and he turned down nearly half a million dollars (in 70’s-80’s money!) because he was so convinced of his purpose, vision, and goal of playing Rock!)

Success Will Come. It’s Inevitable If You (in the words of Rocky) “Keep Getting Back Up!”

  • They finally offered him only $35,000 for the script and he could play Rocky. But he also got points on the movie (they figured if Stallone wouldn’t get a “real” actor to play Rocky — he should have to take some of the risk of making the movie).
  • They only spent a $1 million dollars to make Rocky. And it grossed $200 million in its time.
  • The first thing Stallone did after getting his $35,000 check. Not party. Not spend a bunch of it on himself. He went to the liquor store looking for the guy he sold his dog to for $25. He begged and pleaded with him to buy his dog back because he loved him. He offered $100. Dude turned him down. Sly offered $500. Guy turned him down. Sly offered $1,000. Still nothing. Sly kept offering. It finally cost him $15,000 and giving the guy a part in the movie Rocky! (but Stallone got his dog (knew his goal!))
  • FYI: the dog “buttkiss” in Rocky is Sly’s real dog.

So there you go, if Stallone’s Rocky Balboa Success Story doesn’t inspire you I don’t know what will!

Adios, Wassalam!

Blog Sang Penulis, Skrap & Skrip

Friday, November 27, 2009

Aku, Kau, Dia & Mereka Sama-sama Sang Penulis....

Salam Sejahtera,
Sekarang ini aku sedang menyiapkan sebuah laman web yang aku namakan Bengkel Seni Layar, iaitu sebuah laman web yang akan mengkhusus dalam hal-hal yang ber
kaitan dengan abc penerbitan filem dan tivi.

Laman web itu akan aku khususkan untuk bengkel, jadi aku perlukan sebuah laman blog lain, untuk aku luahkan apa-apa saja berkaitan dunia penulisan skrip, dunia yang menjadi darah daging dan punca cari makan aku. Jadi aku pun lahirkan blog ini, blog Sang Penulis, Skrap dan Skrip. Aku tahu ramai penulis di luar sana yang sentiasa dahagakan maklumat tentang penulisan skrip ini. Barangkali dengan lahirkan blog yang kuakui tak seberapa ini, mungkin akan memberikan sedikit input. Biarlah kita sama-sama belajar. Aku amat berharap, bila aku post, akan ada rakan-rakan yang sudi mampir, membalas dan meninggalkan komen, jadi dapatkan aku belajar dari mereka jugak kelak.

Sudah berlalu lebih sepuluh tahun aku menjadi orang yang agak cukup bertuah kerana dapat menyara hidup dengan penulisan skrip. Walaupun kekadang tu memang ada zaman yang perit, tapi hasil dari penulisan jugalah yang 'menyelamatkan' aku. Sekarang ni, setelah sekian lama menjadi 'abdi' kepada perahan idea, aku bercadang untuk beranjak sedikit ke lorong ilmu. Menganjurkan bengkel, memberikan ceramah dan kursus. Aku rasa ramai rakan-rakan di luar sana yang sudi untuk turut sama menurunkan ilmu mereka kepada bakal pelapis baru. Bukanlah bermakna Malaysia ini masih belum cukup sekolah berhubung ilmu filem dan tivi, tapi apa yang aku rancangkan ni kukira sebagai wadah dan untuk membuka peluang kepada rakan-rakan yang tidak 'dipandang' oleh sekolah-sekolah filem dan tivi tersohor yang sedia ada, biarpun rakan-rakan ini cukup banyak ilmu, pengalaman dan asam garam yang telah dikutip sepanjang bergelumang dalam dunia filem dan tivi.

Bengkel, seminar atau kursus yang aku rancang akan diadakan tak lama lagi itu akan dicuba diberikan kelainannya. Ringkas dan murah, tapi berkesan dan berguna, timbul dan bergema. Aku percaya ramai anak-anak muda yang berilham tinggi, tapi tidak mendapat peluang untuk belajar serta meluahkan idea mereka. Inilah sasaran Bengkel Seni Layar kelak.

Menerusi blog ini, dan juga melalui Bengkel Seni Layar, aku mahu membantu sesama penulis mendapatkan informasi yang mereka perlukan supaya mereka berupaya memahami kehendak industri. Aku mahu sama-sama membantu mengeluarkan hasil karya yang terbaik, supaya apabila sesuatu hasil karya itu dihantar ke pihak penerbitan, baik penerbit atau stesen tivi, hasil ilham itu adalah yang terbaik dan sukar ditolak. menerusi blog ini, aku bukan sahaja akan mengkisahkan kisah-kisah aku, tapi seboleh mungkin untuk menebarkan seluas mungkin informasi bagaimana menjadi seorang penulis skrip dunia seni layar yang profesional.

Setakat ini dulu kali ini, lain kali bicara lagi.

Adios, Wassalam!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Salam Buat Penulis Skrip....

Apa khabar hang yang tengah dok baca blog ni? Aku rasa hang tentu baik-baik saja, kan? Aku tak tau hang datang dari mana, tapi aku ucap terima kasih atas sudinya hang jenguk blog aku ni, dan juga sanggup baca apa yang aku nak "merapu" ni, ;-). Maaf kerana 'berhang aku' dalam blog ni. Aku rasa lebih dekat 'berhang aku' saja. Sekali lagi ampun maaf.

Aku dengar hang nak jadi penulis skrip, betul ka? Kalau betul bagus la. Kalau betul-betul hang nak jadi penulis skrip yang berjaya aku harap hang kerap-kerap la menjenguk kat sini. Bukannya apa, sebab aku akan cuba 'post' hal-hal berkenaan dunia penulisan skrip untuk aku, hang dan kawan-kawan kita yang lain sama-sama belajar.

Hang tentu tertanya, apa sebab aku wujudkan blog ni? Betul tak? Tak? Kalau tak tanya pun tak apa la sebab aku memang nak bagi tau, yang aku buat blog ni untuk berkongsi tentang dunia penulisan skrip dengan sapa-sapa saja yang berminat. Kalau hang rasa blog aku ni mengarut dan bosan, aku minta maaf.

Aku sapa? Aku seorang penulis skrip. Aku cari makan dengan menulis skrip. Aku sara hidup dengan menulis skrip. Terus terang aku kata, aku dikira antara yang agak bertuah kerana hasil karya aku sering la jugak diminta oleh penerbit. Aku jugak ada buat pengarahan sikit-sikit. Tapi kat blog ni aku tak akan tulis pasal pengarahan, kerana ini blog untuk penulis skrip.

Untuk permulaan ni, aku kira cukup la dulu setakat ni, nanti kita sambung lagi.

Salam buat hang yang masih lagi membaca dan aku doakan moga hang akan jadi penulis skrip yang hebat.

Adios, wassalam!